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Just a thought

Some of the Perth girls have asked, where do I see myself in 5 years time; art/business wise or family wise or just my own personal dreams.

Chasing dreams

In 5 years time…

I see myself with a pet duck (rich please read this!) and being a supportive wife. Working with rich and being supportive of his film career. Seeing his first feature film in the cinemas and holding his hands when the film begins.

Art wise, I would like to see a complete range of Little Mo and Friends. I’d like to see kids wearing Little Mo bags and drawing in Little Mo notebooks. I would also like another line of work with a different style.

If money permits, I would love to pay one of my duster friends a visit if anyone will have me.

And I would really like Rich and I to say ‘that was the best 5 years!’

What about you? What are your goals/dreams in 5 years? Hopefully we can look back at this post in 5 years time and see if we have achieved what we have set out to do!

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15 Responses to “Just a thought”

  1. michelle Says:


    To have 3 kids, to be able to work from home, or only work 2-3 days out of the home, to be fit and healthy at my goal weight. To think that owning a house might be possible. To see my hubby surf every day, and be making waterhousings for a living.

    You have to have a dream!

  2. Leanne Says:

    Well…where would I begin..own my own home…see my kids happy and enjoying life ( even more than now). See everyone smiling when they see a rainbow (even ore then they do now)…traveling the world…my business successfully colouring everyone’s life..and see all my friends and family happy healthy and free from worry and stress!

  3. michvanetta Says:

    How sweet Helena, I’m sure all your goals/wishes will come true with even more goodness thrown in there too!

    That’s a very good question to ask and one that I’d have to take some time to ponder :)
    I do know that I want my family, friends and I to remain healthy and happy, and just to embrace whatever life throws at us. xx

  4. Jess Says:

    Lovely post, Helena!

    Well, firstly I still want to be creating and blogging, and loving it.

    I want to be happily married, Nick and I growing the garden in our own home.

    Work-wise, I’d love to be making a partial living off my jewellery and blog, and only working part-time out of the home.

    Mostly, I want those I love to be happy and healthy. That will be the best gift.

  5. Kirrily Says:

    I hope everyone gets their wishes!

    I don’t know about personal life (or I’m keeping it a secret!), but as far as work goes, I’d love to have so many orders that I can only _just_ keep up with the sewing/design and to be able to afford to pay an assistant to handle the admin stuff, and packing orders and posting them off etc!

  6. bobishi Says:

    Hey Helena! That a lovely plan:) I like the that was the best 5 years ever bit:) hehe
    I want that too… to look back at teh awesome 5 years:) I don’t really have a goal, I already have a home and am married… may be a better home and the kiddies? May be two? May be not working quite so much and more time to craft. hehe And to bake more… without getting fat.

  7. Penny Says:

    Come visit me Helena!

    I want a pet bunny, or a puppy. By 5 years time. That is my goal.

  8. Jacks Says:

    What a beautiful post Helena!

    I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Since I am already married to the most amazing man I would like to think that my step-daughter will be living with us (hopefully that will happen by the end of the year) and I would like to have two more children. My hubby will have opened his own Chinese restaurant and I will be working part time so I have more time for my Art and Etsy and of course raising my children. I think I will probably move back to NSW so that I am closer to my family and more importantly can own a rabbit (LMAO).

    We’ll see how that works out. ;o)

  9. Dani Says:

    I love this post Helena! And I love all the beautiful responses too :)
    Ben and I have just spent our weekend sorting through boxes of books, photos, kids drawings, journals, cards and other stuff we have had in storage. It brings home the message that time flies, my babies are growing, and there are a few more lines in my smile.
    For the next five years (and hopefeully the next 50) I hope that I wonder at every day, every moment and strive to be the best me I can be!

  10. littlemo Says:

    Thanks for sharing with me all your dreams! I will keep them in my Little Mo box and re-post this in 5 years time. Your well-wishes are in safe hands! I’ll remind you all about it:) And we can laugh when we read this again:)

    Keep on chasing your dreams everyone!

  11. Del Says:

    5 years time is scary….by then I will have 2 teenage girls – I hope to still have my sanity. I also hope to have my own home that has been beautifully renovated just how it looks in my dreams – I also hope we have 2 bathrooms by then. I hope all of my family is healthy and that I have not lost anyone dear to me.
    oh and I hope that my little craft business has grown a little :0)

  12. benconservato Says:

    Nice Helena!
    I hope you get what you want, I am sure it really isn’t laughable what you want!

    All I really want is to really know what I want ! … apart from being able to draw and paint and have people pay me to do it. I promise I won’t become a hermit.
    I’d also like to have somewhere to live in Australia and in France that is mine where I can leave it as it is without having to rent it out. Perhaps the man suggesting we live on a big catamaran is actually the way to go?
    Tired of selling my belongings.

  13. Dionne C Says:

    Awww…. a pet duck! That’s sooo cute! I would like one too!

    Love your notebooks, how adorable!

  14. Sam Says:

    It sounds like you’ve covered all the bases there Helena! The pet duck ismy favourite part I have to say!!

  15. Jennifer Says:

    You have such a lovely blog! I love your work! :)
    and congrats on designing the winter market
    poster! It’s brilliant!
