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Baby things

No I’m not having a kid..but my sis-in-law is! She’s expecting a little boy. So I decided to get her some baby things from some of my talented friends.


Adorable booties from bobishi. Alanna has the cutest rabbit called Suki, which by the way is dating long-distance with my rabbit Patch

And a handsome tuxedo bib by Neverever. Even big mo thought it was cool. Heh heh.

Check out their shops, everything is super sweet for the tiny tots!


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6 Responses to “Baby things”

  1. Penny Says:

    Ohmygosh Helena that’s almost identical to the gift I just gave my cousin for her baby! Bobishi booties and NeverEver bib & onesie! Jinx!

    And it looks pretty fancy on Big Mo!

  2. Emma Says:

    Hahahahahah Helena that bib looks hilarious on BigMo! heheehehehhee

    Oh that has just made my day!

    The booties are super sweet too, Alanna is the queen of booties!

  3. Christine (Bontons) Says:

    Good to get a test run of the tuxedo bib, he’ll be able to use it well into manhood! hahaha

  4. trace Says:

    Love the bib!

  5. Chrisy Says:

    Nice stuff…babies are so lovely….and me think you need to get a custom made tux bib for mister!
    ps your website is fabulous!

  6. bobishi Says:

    hehe helena big mo looks good in a tux… hehe:)
    yay! for babies:)
    and Suki sends Patch virtual kisses:)