Summer Sun in Lomovember
Oh gosh! Where do I start, I’ve been meaning to blog about lots of things that have happened to me this week! I’m still deciding if I should write a LONG post and cram every news inside or if I should break them up in smaller posts and share little doses of news with you!
Maybe I’ll start with my most recent adventure. This weekend I attended the Lomovember exhibition organised by Pigeonhole. It’s a wonderful lo-fi curation of colorful lomographs captured in Perth and around the world. The best images are block mounted and sold by silent auction, with profits of the sale going towards the Movember Foundation.
I had 3 photos selected for the exhibition, out of the 400 submissions they received:
Summer Sun (Strasbourg, France)
Twilight (At the back of my parent’s house in Stuttgart, Germany)
Kaleidoscope (Eiffel Tower, Paris)
Despite my excitement, I was actually nervous about explaining to my husband that his face was going to be in a public exhibition. I told him a few days before the event:
H: hey you wanna check out this lomo exhibition?
R: yeah sure…when is it?
H: they’re having a launch party on Friday. Uh…ah…some of my photos are in it…
R: yeah?? Cool!!!!
H: yeah…..but they are…erm…uh….ah….photos of you
R: WHAT??!
H: They picked them!! They must like the ones with you in it…
R: ………..
And we left the conversation at that. He had no idea which photos were being exhibited so it made for a nice surprise, as well as a pretty cool date for us
I loved every photo in the gallery, it was my first time attending a lomo exhibition, let alone taking part in one. It was amazing to see so many inspiring and happy accidental photos taken from a whole range of lomo cameras.
When they were getting ready to announce the winner for the Best Photo award, I remembered feeling a combination of tipsiness from the wine and also excitement for the winner. Then I heard,“…best photo…Helena Tay….Summer Sun”. I looked at my husband to see if he had heard it too, and he had this bewildered-proud-happy look on his face. I was speechless, I totally did not expect to win anything (I would have been contented with a raffles prize dinner for two!) So, I am totally grateful and humbled at being picked for the Best Photo award.
Thank you Pigeonhole for the generous prize and wonderful event! I think my new toy came at a great time too. Ever since I bought my Diana Mini a couple of months ago, it has rekindled my love in film and photography. It brought back good memories of my uni days when I was a Film student and we learned about composition, lighting and Mise en scène. I had big aspirations then of being a director and making pretty films. Whilst my goals in life may have changed, I think having my Diana and my new camera has encouraged me to get back into film and photography. I am excited to know that there are great moments waiting to be captured. I am also excited by the possibility that maybe one day I will make that pretty film!

November 14th, 2011 at 1:01 pm
Congratulations on winning, what an exciting prize! I love your winning entry! I have been to Strasbourg, we have a very good friend who lives there and I know that church!!
November 14th, 2011 at 1:09 pm
I am so excited for you – what an amazing photo, and a fabulous prize! I wonder who will end I with r on their wall haha xxxx
November 14th, 2011 at 1:23 pm
wow, that’s so awesome Helena, congrats
November 14th, 2011 at 1:33 pm
Hahaha I know Allana !! Was happy to find out that all my photos were bid on and sold…but yes quite funny to think R would be hanging on their walls. But it went to a good cause
November 14th, 2011 at 1:37 pm
Thanks Amanda! Yes that church was one of the highlights of the trip. I was pretty much in awe of it. I asked Rich to stand up close so that I could take two great looking things hehe…
November 15th, 2011 at 11:35 am
congrats Helena!!! awesome photos!!!
November 15th, 2011 at 6:48 pm
Congratulations. Gorgeous photos!