Turning 30, a surprise party and a sprocket rocket
Richard turned 30 earlier this month. I was excited for him to join the club since I had turned 30 in June. As expected, he was moody right up to the day of his birthday. I’m going to call it the ‘notwantingtoletgoofmytwenties’ syndrome.
I remembered suffering from that and it drove me crazy! I was so moody and shitty about turning 30 that all my friends and family, and Richard included couldn’t stop teasing me about it. I think it wasn’t just the fear of turning another year older, the fear was more about me; whether I had accomplished enough in my 20s and what was waiting for me in my 30s. Then there was also the fear of adjusting to reality, that I am now a 30 year old and do not belong in the 19 – 29 age group and that there are YOUNGER, COOLER and more BEAUTIFUL people out there than me. So yes…those were the fears that plagued me when I turned the big 3-0.
So coming back to Richard’s birthday, I could see him going through the same turmoil that I experienced and when I asked him if he would like to do anything for his birthday, he grumpily said no. I couldn’t let that happen so I organised an early surprise party for him by sneaking in a few phone calls to his mates. How I managed to get him out of the house without him being suspicious that night was all thanks to this new toy.
I bought him a Sprocket Rocket which shoots on a super-wide panoramic lens. I passed him the camera in the late afternoon and used it as an excuse to get him out of the house to take photos with it.
We caught the train to the city, walked around and snapped photos with it. Then I took him to the local Korean restaurant where all his friends were waiting to surprise him. Oh how I wished I had taken a picture of my husband’s expression, it was priceless! He was shocked, stoked and overjoyed! I think my heart filled when I saw how happy he was!
In all the excitement, it felt like it was my surprise party too:) We were surrounded by good food, good friends and a huge cake. It was such a great night.
On his actual birthday, I cooked us a proper dinner at home. I made a German pasta dish called Spaetzle. I’ll share pictures of the dish and the recipe in my next post!

November 26th, 2011 at 2:57 pm
what a cool camera – the pics are great!
We love spaetzle here too – My husband likes to make it with his groovy German gadget. Lately we’ve been having “shrek spaetzle” which is actually spinach spaeztle with cheese sauce. Yummm.
November 26th, 2011 at 6:15 pm
Yeah my mum bought me a Spaetzle maker and it’s so awesome, I made Spaetzle and meatballs! Next time I will cook with spinach and cheese! You have to show me pics of your recent trip btw:)
November 27th, 2011 at 11:07 am
Yum, Spaetzle is delicious! I love it.
I turn 30 in a month – I have been feeling a bit like this too. Glad I’m not the only one!
November 28th, 2011 at 8:54 am
It is most delicious! Oh Emma, I have realised that they are just petty thoughts and that I can’t change the fact that I grow older every year! But I’ve got to say turning 30 has brought a lot of new perspective on things!
November 28th, 2011 at 6:22 pm
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