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Xmas countdown!

December 13th, 2009

holiday card

Heya folks! This is the LAST WEEK to purchase Little Mo goodies 13th – 17th Dec, if you want to have them all gift wrapped and displayed under your christmas tree!


If you want me to draw on your packages, let me know too. Your recycled stationery will come tied with cute mo tags!

And mention ‘mo blog’ during checkout at my shop for extra treats from me! Ho! Ho! Ho!

The best thing about summer

December 12th, 2009


Summer fruits
Sticky fingers
Rosy cheeks
Summer playlist
Vast blue sky
Sunset roads

What’s yours?

It makes a ding!

December 11th, 2009


When you press the buttons, it makes the loudest ding!! It’s a beautiful sound and I can’t stop giggling like an idiot! It also drives big mo crazy when I play with it. But it’s cute though and I use it to store little bits and pieces like my mail stamps.




December 3rd, 2009

Yaaah! It must be my lucky day today! Look what arrived at my doorstep!


My new imac, a vintage cash register from ebay and a pack of recycled writing set from Kirsten at Paper by forget-me-not.

What should I open first???

Upmarket Nov 09 pictures

December 2nd, 2009

I finished Perth Upmarket!


Thanks to everyone who came by to say hi. I like how people ask if I am the bride to be with orange shoes. The shoes must have left a lasting impression on my blog readers:)

Anyway Upmarket was my last market for the year and I’m taking a break to work on some new art…and get hitched of course! Here are pictures of some talented designers from the previous Upmarket in September who were also retailing last weekend. Check them out!


Vintage inspired jewellery by Osier


Cute plushies by Stuffaduck


And this is my gingerbread man, he’s pretty cute. You can see more photos of Little Mo and Friends booth at Little Mo’s fan page.


Works in progress

November 26th, 2009

Working on some sketches. Any guesses on what I’ll be making next year? I can tell you two words; fun and cute!

wip sketches

Don’t forget to come down to Perth Upmarket to check out my art this Sunday at the Perth Town Hall. 10am -4pm. Take home some handmade mo goodness!

Also, the lovely Tracey from quiet paws is doing a giveaway on her blog. Just leave a comment here to be included in the giveaway. You win a pack of my mouse tags and a couple of nuts. Good luck!

Staying indoors

November 20th, 2009

It’s raining outside and it’s making pitter patter sounds on the rooftop. I am listening to Billie Holiday while ironing my mo bags.


Also finished packing another round of orders from my Special Deals page. I get excited when my art is travelling places.


Wednesday wishlist

November 18th, 2009

Loving ART because it makes me happy!
If you have a favourite artist, send me a link. I love art browsing.


We are all made of stars screenprint

The Boy and the sea giclee print

Meiko limited edition print

Horse and deer print

Perth Upmarket Nov 09

November 17th, 2009

upmarket logo

upmarket nov09

One market down, last one to go. This is going to be a huge event with over 85 retailers selling their design wares at the Perth Pre-Christmas Upmarket. You can check out the lineup here. I’m really excited to sell alongside these amazing designers!

This is also my last market for the year and then I’ll be taking a break (and planning the wedding).

I still have a few 2010 calendars left and lots of art and gifts for Christmas presents. Come up and say hi and as always, thanks for supporting HANDMADE!

Made On The Left Nov 09 pictures

November 16th, 2009

Another day at the markets and it was good to see everyone! Thanks for stopping by to say hi! Some pictures of my talented friends at MOTL.

My friend Karen from Tiny town paints these awesome manga inspired characters. She also does custom portraits.

I love how Sarah from Odd Girl Out has housed her jewellery in these wooden frames, so simple and effective.

Jane from Paper Chain Pony made a light box for her display. Her jewellery and display is so vogue and chic! Love it!


I also had a new display for my booth, I was getting a little tired with the old setup. More pictures on Little Mo and Friends fan page. Tell me what do you think of our new set up?


And tomorrow, pictures of goodies I bought. I’m spent out!

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