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Eco reading

July 2nd, 2009

Just enjoying a quiet morning read before I start doing some work in the studio. This month’s good read is Peppermint Issue 3, an Australian Eco Fashion mag. I love that it’s all about promoting small sustainable green business and eco friendly designers. It would certainly encourage others to adopt a greener lifestyle and practice a little green in their home or small business.

Little Mo and Friends handmade recycled stationery is also featured on Peppermint. I think that’s pretty cool too!

Peppermint mag

LMF peppermint feature

Wednesday wishlist

July 1st, 2009


I do love all things nautical. Which is really funny because one part of me likes the forest and another part of me likes the sea. When I think of the ocean, I think of white washed floorboards, sailor tops and stripes, lobsters and lemons!

For my wednesday wishlist, I am satisfying the ocean in me!

Anchor earrings by Incalesco

Sailor gocco print by blancucha

Vintage DARLA sailor mini dress by brownbagvintage

Tu card by essimar

Work in progress

June 25th, 2009

I’m already thinking of Christmas and I want to start making small gifts for Christmas stocking stuffers.

First up on my list of things to do is have 4 full sets of Little Mo paper dolls: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter…the whole wardrobe collection! I think it would be fun to swap clothes in each set and it would make a good collector’s set for those who like collecting art.

New drawings

I managed to finish all my drawings and colouring today. I also printed them out on my printer to cut and test them out. All the clothes fit perfectly and I love the new outfits. Tomorrow I will take my dolls to get them professionally printed so expect to see these in my shop next week:)

Wednesday wishlist

June 16th, 2009

I’m slowly starting to fill up my shop inventory by creating more stationery products. And I always like doing the markets because it gives me a chance to get out there and show my customers my new creations. Most of the time it pleases them to see what’s new and they like to look around the table, feeling and touching things.

Here’s my Wednesday wishlist for some cool things to make any market display table fun and exciting!

market wishlist

Great for displaying Little Mo notebooks!
Horsie bookends by shop66

Everybody needs an apron!
Hansel Crafty apron by PollyDanger

A cute way to display art prints.
Vintage spice rack by TheCottageGirl

Lots of room to display greeting cards or a sale basket
Red suitcase by nanacompany

One for the calendar!

June 16th, 2009


I didn’t forget mum!

Mum had to remind me which I thought was pretty cute. But yes it was 10 days after my birthday last year that rich proposed. And I said yes! Which is normally what you answer when you see a ring tucked in a box.

So, thanks for asking me Big Mo! Lets get the party rolling!

We’ll be seeing this around town!

June 15th, 2009

Made On The Left team commissioned me to design their posters and collaterals for their Winter 2009 market. Ta dah!

MOTL winter market 09

You can read my mini interview here (though not as stunning as Penny’s the Age interview! hehe).

Wednesday wishlist

June 10th, 2009

Ok this is my first time doing the Wednesday wishlist! I know the girls have been doing it regularly so my bad for being a late starter! Usually if it had things my way, I would put bunnies but today I’m going to make my wishlist totally different. This one is called sshhh…(for the little one).


My sister in law is expecting and I am looking at baby items for the FIRST TIME. I’m also hinting to my mum who reads my blog to check out these wonderful sellers who make baby items. Mum, I think these will be super sweet for Lauren! Add these to your shopping list mum!

1. Blue bird rattle by leahkl

2. Pumpkin spiced booties by Bobishi

3. Turkey with stuffing by bugbitesplayfood

4. Ronald leoobee by onegirl

Mr blue sky

June 8th, 2009

Some random pictures I took over the weekend. We had a good time.

mr blue sky

mr director

Adding to my zoo collection

June 3rd, 2009

Whee! Two of my favourite animals, bunnies and bears! By two of my favourite artists.

Origami bear

This is an original gocco print of Emma’s Origami bear. I’ve nicknamed him Boo the blue bear. I got him while Emma’s shop was having a $5.00 gocco sale. I love Emma’s mixed media technique.

Sitting and in the woods

And this here is the lovely artwork by Penny from Pocketcarnival. I adore her bunnies and these two bunny prints are the sweetest ever, don’t you think? I know they will look so sweet framed side by side in beech frames.

Oxford St Market

June 2nd, 2009

The recent weekend we did Oxford St Market. So fun and it was cool to meet and chat with other stall holders. I was selling opposite Annie from 17threads. Her stall had all these pretty handmade brooches. I realised I didn’t take a photo of her stall but I’ll be seeing Annie again at the Made On the Left market on 25th and 26th July. So more pictures then! I promise!


But I what I really wanted to show you was my new table cloth, avocado green! I know this is a pathetic post from me. Cause it’s just a table cloth you know. But I couldn’t resist, cute colour too!

Colourful snail mail

Green lawn

Goodie basket

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